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The History of HP Computers

The History of HP Computers


Hewlett-Packard is a company that has been around for nearly 100 years. They have a rich history of innovation and success in the computing industry. Here’s how they got there: History of HP Computers

History of HP Computers

1950s: Hewlett-Packard a company

In the 1950s, HP was a garage-based company. Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard were two of the original founders of HP. They started as engineers working for Philco in Palo Alto, California. The company was initially called the Hewlett-Packard Company (HPC).

The History of HP Computers

In 1956, they released their first product—an audio oscillator that could generate audible tones from any audio source such as radio stations or AM/FM broadcasts. This device gave birth to what would later become known as “audio peripherals” or “sound cards” today.

Later that year they released another product called a frequency counter which measured signals coming through different types of communication lines like telephone lines or cable TV channels; this device became an important tool for technicians who needed precise measurements when troubleshooting problems with these types of systems at large scale companies such as AT&T’s Bell Laboratories facility located nearby Silicon Valley where many innovations were made during these early years including transistor radios which helped fuel demand for more advanced electronics technologies like computers themselves!

1968: The first HP computer was released

In 1968, Hewlett-Packard released the HP-2116A and HP-9100A. These were the first computers in their product line. The first model, called the HP-2116A was a large industrial computer that could process up to 2 megabytes of data per second (Mbps). This machine was designed for use by companies like IBM who needed more powerful machines than their IBM 1401s could provide at that time.

In 1969, Hewlett Packard released another series of computers: The 9100A series (HP 9000B) which consisted of smaller versions of these machines but still used magnetic core components instead of TTL circuits for memory storage purposes!

1970s and 1980s: Growth in the personal computer market

In the early 1970s, Hewlett-Packard introduced its first personal computers. These were not cheap or small enough to be used at home, but they were powerful enough for users to create spreadsheets and word-processing documents. In 1982, the company released the HP Deskmate 200A—the first portable laptop computer ever made by a major manufacturer.

History of HP Computers

In 1984 HP announced another breakthrough: The LC series (later renamed as “Compaq”) would be available with an optional mouse! This feature was introduced on many models of laptops around this time including those from Compaq and IBM/Lenovo who wanted their own versions sold under their brands instead of just being part of one overall company brand strategy like Apple did with its Mac lineup back then.

1984: The Laserjet printer and a new era for HP

In 1984, HP introduced the first laser printer. The Laserjet was a hit and revolutionized printing in offices around the world. By 1985, revenue had doubled from $8 billion to $16 billion in three years and HP’s stock price tripled 1985. In 1988, they introduced their first commercial inkjet printer (the DeskJet 300).

2002-2005 revolutionary strategy changes and the buyout of Compaq

In 2002, HP announced the acquisition of Compaq. The new HP was formed, and its strategy was to focus on business customers and IT providers. It also announced that it would be looking at ways to make itself more attractive for small businesses as well as large enterprises. It is indeed a great era in the History of HP Computers.

The History of HP Computers

The vision for this new company was something like “the PC company for everyone,” which meant that they would strive to provide computers that were fast enough for any task at hand yet easy enough for anyone (particularly those without technical expertise) to use efficiently without having to worry about much else beyond getting started with their workday right away!


And the Rest is History.

They set out with a goal: To become THE trusted partner in your business by providing solutions tailored specifically around what YOU need most today – no matter how big or small your organization may be.”


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